Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Coffman Family Reunion 2011

The 2011 Coffman Family Reunion will be held on Friday, August 5 and Saturday, August 6.   We will gather at the Coffman Family Shelterhouse on highway V, about 7 miles from Winigan, MO.  On Friday we will start gathering at around 5:30 and will eat our usual brats on the grill.  Please bring a covered dish or dessert to share!  I would also suggest bringing a lawn chair, too.  On Saturday, we will start the festivities at around noon and will probably eat at around 12:30 or so.   Again, bring your favorite covered dish (meat or side dish) or dessert to share.  We will not have a silent or live auction this year, but we will have a raffle for a pre-stamped queen size quilt and two shams that were donated by Chris, Gerry, and Caroline.  Raffle tickets will be $5 each or 3 for $12.   Proceeds from the raffle will go to the shelter house fund and will cover costs related to upkeep, as well as flowers/gifts for family or friends that have passed away.   Please come and join us!!!